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July 5, 2025 All day

This ticket includes The Wife Carrying World Championships, The Wife
Carrying World Championships Team Race and Saturday Evening Party.

5th July 2025
The Wife Carrying World Championships 1 pm – 6 pm

The Wife Carrying Evening Party 8 pm – 2 am
CatCat and Illansuu will perform on Saturday. The performers are still being finalized
during the spring, and on both nights three artists will perform

Admission tickets will be checked at the event info or gates and
replaced to wristbands.

Place: Sonkajärvi Sports Field and Sports Hall, Kuntotie 4, 74300

The Evening Party is for adults only (18 yrs)
Accessible for persons with disabilities

Personal assistants are allowed to enter for free when the person who needs assistance has bought a ticket and presents an assistance entitlement card in the event info or the gates.



Sonkajärvi, Suomi + Google Map


The numbers below include tickets for this event already in your cart. Clicking “Get Tickets” will allow you to edit any existing attendee information as well as change ticket quantities.
On Sale
Saturday All Day Ticket (The Wife Carrying World Championships and Saturday Evening Party) (Adults only)
45,00 40,50
500 available